Friday, July 26, 2013

BAD piecer and quilter

I have cut fabric and washed it and ironed it and planned it and stitched it and seriously did it WRONG each time now. I know I am tired and upset. I am not getting enough sleep and I am still hurt a bit from the fall. Bad blogger didn't mention that on the blogger part.
  I am trying to make a few NICE....patriot quilts to donate to veterans thru a local church group of quilters. I am pretty certain my braid quilt will turn out ok. Part of the problem is doing nice quilting since it needs to be manly.
  The MAJOR problem is trying to do an offset chevron. I did the math wrong on the first whole set of fabric and I can make a quilt out of it but NOT what I wanted. I went out and got more fabric. I figured out what I did wrong and cut fabric for what seems like ALL NIGHT LONG (2nd night of it). Pressing, cutting and making fabric choices. I was happy and stitched the squares almost all into my good size HST's. Really happy at this point. That ended when I tried to lay it out on the bed. A little alarm went off in my head. I need 50 by 50 inches. I had carefully figured the sizes and made my squares 11 inches. Turned out perfect. I have 10.5 inch blocks and that takes care of my seam allowances. The problem is that my design is 6 x 8, yeah, that's great, it would be 60x80. I am disgusted and still somewhat happy. My mistakes gave me several sizes and options. I like it enough to want a BIG one for myself. I love how it looks on the bed. I immediately played musical blocks though and got a nice look for a 50x50 using 25 of the blocks. That is kinda nice too. Course, I have about 20 more blocks and could make a 2nd one. I think the HST's are big enough to be fast and still small enough to quilt in a manner I can do.
   I am still making drawings and doing the math on this. I want 2 or 3 sizes and a slight variation. I know what I need to do now. (my stupid...where was my brain) Shouldn't take the 3rd time to get it right. I have photos, I have crayon colored drawings now.  I am sure that if I just use the 8.5 blocks that I cut all night the first night. It will make theblocks a bit smaller and go ahead and at least make the quilt 6x6 blocks so I can have the design I wanted. That would save me a ton of time and I might use all the big ones for a quilt for ME! I have serious patriotic stash. I just ordered a wee bit more from Hancocks of Paducah too. It is a slight addiction along with the batiks. I am just hoping they won't start sending notices that it is out of stock.
This is what I can get from using half the blocks and making it 50x50:

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